About the Writers

Hey, I'm Kita! I'm from Haiti, and I have tons of hobbies, including sports, dancing, and singing. I joined this class because I love to read and write. Though I enjoy reading both fiction and nonfiction, I mostly find myself writing fiction (mainly fantasy). My favorite fiction book is 'Saving Francesca' by Melina Marchetta, and my fave nonfiction book would probably be 'Talent is Overrated' by Geoff Colvin. I hope we'll have a great semester!

Hi! My name is Smriti and I'm a freshman majoring in English. I like to describe myself as a writer, reader and occasional cereal-eater. My favorite book is The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak, and I enjoy writing essays and poetry.

Hi, I'm Jei. I'm from Roslyn, New York, which is in the suburbs outside of Queens. I'm a freshman, majoring in English at CAS. I like to listen to a lot of music. Right now, I'm into Iggy Pop's The Idiot. I don't really have a favorite book, but I like the Subterraneans by Jack Kerouac. Nice to meet everyone!

My name is Sachin, and I'm from the southern most Caribbean island, Trinidad. I'm a Junior majoring in Biology at CAS (maybe I'm premed but I'm not even sure at this point?). Favourite book? I'd say "Of Other Worlds" by C.S. Lewis. It's a collection of essays on writing. Fun fact: even though I'm from the Caribbean, the first hurricane I ever experienced was in New York City last year with hurricane Sandy. Trinidad never gets hit by any hurricanes since we're just outside of the hurricane belt. Haha.

Hello! I'm Rachel. I'm from this teeny tiny town in Tennessee and to cope with that I decided to turn to writing to vent my frustrations. (Am I kidding? Am I?) I adore writing anything that focuses on character exploration as well as reading it, so, inevitably, my favorite book would be The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan. Outside of writing, I really enjoy video games and comic books, and I thankfully still have time for both of those hobbies—most likely because I'm a Freshman in CAS majoring in Psychology.

Hey! My name is Amy and i'm from sunny San Diego, California. I am a sophomore in the College of Nursing, with plans to become a Nurse Practitioner with a focus on nutrition and diabetes. I am on the NYU cycling team (yes, we have one) and an avid runner and swimmer. I love Scifi and most of my favorite books are written by Michael Crichton. However Anne Sexton is my favorite poet. Lets work towards a challenging and rewarding semester!

Hello all, my name is Nikolas and I am freshman hailing from the soulless suburbs of Frisco, Texas. Suffice to say, the change of scenery is more than refreshing. I am a Film and Television Major who originally wanted to be a novelist- well, as a career- so I've been writing for quite a bit. I draw inspiration from history, current events, philosophy, sociology, science and so on in my reading and thoughts. I don't have a favorite book, per se, as it is constantly changing, but momentarily Lord of the Flies comes to mind. I look forward to this semester and the opportunities it brings to grow. 

I'm named after my great-grandmother Victoria, but most people just call me Tori. Italian by blood, Oregonian by nature,I tend to enjoy nothing more than great food and the greater outdoors. I am a typical Gallatin student, meaning that my mind has been thoroughly boggled by the breadth of knowledge I can consume. Right now I am focusing on the point where food and story connect, but also look forward to exploring any other directions as they come to me. 

Hi, my name is Sam and I am an undecided freshman at the College of Arts and Science planning to major in Psychology and learn as much as I can about people and the world. I have always been inspired by the extraordinary things human beings are capable of doing and creating. I'm from Long Island, New York and I love writing fiction stories, poems, and listening to audiobooks. My favorite book (other all of the Harry potter books) is Hamlet, and I've always loved Shakespeare's sonnets. 

Hi! My name is Robin, and I am freshman who is starting his first semester at New York University this spring. I just transferred over from University of Toronto, where I was studying engineering, and I have spent the last seven years of my life in Shanghai, where I went to high school. My favorite authors are Charles Dickens, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and J. K. Rowling.

Hey, I’m Shannon. I am from Long Island, and am a sophomore double majoring in English and Journalism. My journalistic interests have shifted my literary interests, inclining me more toward creative nonfiction. Some of my favorite writers are Joan Didion and Hunter Thompson, and—my religious affiliation being rock and roll—I am an ardent disciple of Lester Bangs. I do however also enjoy fiction and poetry; I am a big fan of the Beats. As I am used to writing from a more journalistic, critical standpoint, I’m excited to leave that comfort zone and explore the realm of more creative endeavors. 

Hi! I'm Brittany. I'm a commuting Long Island junior majoring in English Literature and minoring in Creative Writing. Writing poetry is really my forte, but since I've started my academic career at NYU I've been exploring creative nonfiction and have discovered that I love it! I'm excited to have the opportunity to write more of it in this class . E.E. Cummings is my favorite poet, and I'm also partial to Walt Whitman, Thoreau, and Emerson. Transcendentalism is my favorite literary movement that I've studied thus far!

I'm Katie Yook. I will rarely say no when it comes to experiencing new things. With that, I consider myself spontaneous and eager to take opportunities as they come in order to experience as much as the world as I can. I am often intrigued by mundane experiences as I'm walking down the streets of New York and try to live in the present. I am in Gallatin studying "Administrative Arts,' but I'm not quite sure what that means yet. I enjoy making art, learning, jogging, Buddhism and traveling, among many things. Writing down ideas and experiences helps me release my bottled up thoughts. I love reading and always try to read books, but I wish I was more familiar with literature. I love Kurt Vonnegut. Right now, I'm read the "Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" but it's kind of boring.

I'm Jack Breene. I'm a sophomore from right outside Newark, New Jersey. I'm in CAS studying political science and history. I love making comedy shorts and since high school have been writing and directing them with a group of friends. I like comedy that looks at everyday situations and is able to point out the ridiculousness of it in a clever way. I want to keep writing comedy but be able to incorporate more complex plot into my stories, which until now simply feature silly characters in absurd situations. 

Hello, I'm Daniel, the last minute addition to the class. I was born in South Korea but grew up all around the world, living in places like Australia, Canada, Boston, and New Hampshire. I am a freshman at College of Art and Science, making NYC my new home. I plan on studying journalism at NYU, and hopefully become a travel writer/photographer after college, for traveling is my sweet addiction. Writing fiction and poetry is definitely out of my comfort zone. But, you know what? I am darn excited to take a shot at it!

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